8 Ways To Create Problems On Moving Day


Regardless of how organized you are with your next move, there is still the possibility that something could wrong. One misstep could mean significant delays, missing or broken items, and the desire to never move again. If you have a move planned for the future, here are just a few missteps to avoid.

  1. You do not have a budget. Moving can sometimes be expensive. If you fail to set a budget from the beginning, you could easily spend more than you wanted.
  2. You are not honest about the move. When the moving company comes to assess your move and give you an estimate, do not attempt to downplay your needs. If you do, the movers might not be fully prepared for the move and you could face a larger bill for the inconveniences caused.
  3. You fail to compare moving companies. Even if you are offered a good rate by the first moving company you contact, you should consider getting at least one or two more estimates. There is a chance that you can find services for even less.
  4. You wait until the last minute to pack. Moving day is not the day to try to pack your belongings. Unless your moving service also includes packing, you need to have all of your furnishings ready to go before the movers arrive. If not, you could face additional fees.
  5. You do not declutter. Before you call in a moving company to do an estimate, take the time to declutter your home. The less you have, the less you will pay.
  6. You throw everything in the boxes without sorting. Packing is boring. However, just tossing everything in the same boxes only means more time spend unpacking. If you sort your things now, you can get through setting up your new home or apartment more easily.
  7. You leave empty spaces in your boxes. Empty spaces means that the objects inside the boxes has room to move around and possibly break. It also means they can become unstable. You can avoid this by packing the boxes tightly and using fillers, such as bubble wrap, to make sure there are no spaces.
  8. You forget to pack first-day items. Unless you and your family are highly motivated to unpack everything on day one, you could be without essentials, such as towels, cooking utensils, etc.

Talk to your long distance movers before moving day to find out if you need to take extra steps to prepare. 


16 October 2017

Moving Without The Problems

After I found out that my employer wanted us to relocate internationally, I was nervous about what it would mean for my family. I wanted things to move smoothly, but I wasn't sure how much of a hassle it would be to pick up and move an entire family. However, I started focusing on making sure things were in order, and before I knew it we were on the open road. It was incredible to see how much of a difference we were able to make, and within no time, things started to move along. This blog is all about moving without the problems, and staying organized with the help of storage.